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  • [1] Se-Yeol Rhyou and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Aggregated micropatch-based deep learning neural network for ultrasonic diagnosis of cirrhosis", Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 2023, 139


  • [1] Se-Yeol Rhyou and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Detecting liver lesion using Object detection", Koeran Society of Computer Information 2022.07, 343-344

  • [2] Soo-Hee, Ha and Jae-chern Yoo, "Classifiction of Breast Cancer using Explainable A.I. and Deep learning", Korean Society of Computer Information Summer Conference 2022,(KSCIC, 2022)


  • [1] Se-Yeol Rhyou and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Cascaded Deep Learning Neural Network for Automated Liver Steatosis Diagnosis Using Ultrasound Images", Sensors 2021, 21, 16

  • [2] Se-Yeol Rhyou and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Drowsy driving and seat belt detection using multiple deep learning networks", Koeran Society of Computer Information 2021.01, 75-77

  • [3] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Omnidirectional Fingertip Pressure Sensor Using Hall Effect", Sensors, October 2021, 21(21), 7072. (doi:

  • [4] Soo-Hee, Ha and Jae-chern Yoo, "Semantic Segmentation Using Simple Arduino Module", Korean Society of Computer Information Winter Conference 2021,(KSCIC, 2021)


  • [1] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-chern Yoo, "An Efficient Feature Extraction Approaches for Fatty liver Grade Classification using Ultrasound Images", 2020 The 3rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management (ICSIM2020)

  • [2] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Fully Automated Lab-On-A-Disc Platform for Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Using Micro-Carbon-Activated Cell Lysis", Sensors, August 2020, 20(17), 4746. (doi:

  • [3] Soo-Hee, Ha and Jae-chern Yoo, "Analyzing Lung Cancer Using Statistical Feature Vector From Ultrasound Image", Korean Society of Computer Information Winter Conference 2020,(KSCIC, 2020)

  • [4] Soo-Hee, Ha and Jae-chern Yoo, "Classify and Visualize The Fatty Liver Using Class Activation Maps and CNN", Korea Institute of Communications and Information Sciences 2020,(KICS, 2020)


  • [1] Da Ye Seul Lim, Moo-Jung Seo and Jae Chern Yoo, "Optical Temperature Control Unit and Convolutional Neural Network for Colorimetric Detection of Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification on a Lab-On-A-Disc Platform", Sensors, July 2019, 19(14), 3207. (doi: 10.3390/s19143207)

  • [2] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Novel Feature Extraction Approaches for Fatty Liver using Ultrasound Images", International Conference on Green and Human Information Technology 2019 (ICGHIT 2019)

  • [3] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Diaphragm-hepatorenal Index with deep convolutional neural network for Fatty Liver assessment using Ultrasound Images", 2019 Bio-Medical System Conference (2019 BMSC)

  • [4] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-chern Yoo,"Enhanced-Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix Feature Extraction Approaches for Fatty Liver Classification using Ultrasound Images", The 34th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2019)

  • [5] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix Feature Extraction Approaches for Fatty Liver Grade Separation using Ultrasound Images", 2019 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR 2019)

  • [6] SeungHwan Lee, Jae-Chern Yoo, "A Study on Automatic Signature Recognition Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients Feature Vector Based on Support Vector Machine", Conference on Information Security and Cryptography-Summer 2019, June 2019, Volume 29, Issue 1, pp. 423?424.

  • [7] SeungHwan Lee, Jae-Chern Yoo, "The Study of Support Vector Machine-based HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) Feature Vector for Recognition by Numerical Sign Language", Proceedings of the Korea society of computer and information, July 2019, Volume 27, Issue 2, pp. 271-272.

  • [8] KO, Junguk; YOO, Jae-Chern. Non-Contact Temperature Control System Applicable to Polymerase Chain Reaction on a Lab-on-a-Disc. Sensors, 2019, 19.11: 2621.

  • [9] Sung-Jung Kim, Jae-Chern Yoo, "Kidney's feature point extraction based on edge detection using SIFT algorithm in ultrasound image ", Proceedings of the Korea society of computer and information, July 2019, Volume 27, Issue 2, pp. 89-90.

  • [10] Sung-Jung Kim, Jae-Chern Yoo, "Extraction of kidney's feature points by SIFT algorithm in ultrasound image  ", Proceedings of the Korea society of computer and information, July 2019, Volume 27, Issue 2, pp. 313-314.

  • [11] Soo-Hee Ha, Jae-Chern Yoo, "Novel Analysis Algorithm of Fatty Liver using statistical feature vector from Ultrasound image", Proceedings of the Korea Society of Information Processing, May 2019, Volume 26, Issue 1, pp. 556-558.( 학술대회 우수논문 장려상 수상 )


  • [1] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-chern Yoo, “Lab-on-a-Disc Platform for Automated Chemical Cell Lysis,” Sensors, February 2018, 18(3), 687. (doi: 10.3390/s18030687)

  • [2] Ko, Junguk, and Jae-Chern Yoo. "Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Using a Lab-on-a-Disc Device with Thin-film Phase Change Material." Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 186.1 (2018): 54-65.


  • [1] Jong-rul Park, Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Determination of Threshold value for B/W Pupil Image using Movement of Pupil Center," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회.

  • [2] Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Performance Comparison of Pupil Center Extraction of RANSAC according to the Number of Candidate Point," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회.

  • [3] Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Determination Methods of Total Internal Reflection Angle in Surface Plasmon Resonance Curve and Comparison of Noise Level," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회.

  • [4] Dayeseul Lim, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Chemical Cell Lysis System Applicable to Lab-on-a-Disc," Appl Biochem Biotechnol, September 2017, Volume 183, Issue 1, pp. 20?29.

  • [5] Jong-rul Park, and Jae-chern Yoo, "심장 박동 신호의 상호 유사도를 이용한 노이즈 환경에서의 수면, 비수면 상태 구분," 2017년도 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회, 대한전자공학회, pp. 898-900.

  • [6] Gi-won Koo, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Adaptive STFT filtering for noise reduction of Electrocardiogram," ICBBE 2017.

  • [7] Jung Uk Ko, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Pulse Analysis System using Optical Measuring Device," ICBBE 2017.

  • [8] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Liquid Sequential flow control on Lab-on-a-disc using Laser Valve," ICBBE 2017.

  • [9] Jung Uk Ko, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Photoplethysmogram heart pulse analysis system using Simulink," SOPO2017.

  • [10] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Novel ECG QRS complex detection," SOPO2017.


  • [1] Jung Uk Ko, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Improved Lab-on-a-Disc Structure for Coriolis Effect using Micropored Membrane," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회.

  • [2] Moo-Jung Seo, Dayeseul Lim, Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Liquid Metering Control on Lab-on-a-Disc using Siphon Structure," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회.

  • [3] Jung Uk Ko, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Magnetic Fluid Thermometer in Lab-on-a-disc," ICBBB 2016.

  • [4] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Liquid Selective Mixing and metering on Lab-on-a-disc using Siphone Structure," ICBBB 2016.


  • [1] Min-Seong Choi, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Automated Centrifugal-Microfluidic Platform for DNA Purification using Laser Burst Valve and Coriolis Effect," Appl Biochem Biotechnol 175, pp. 3778-3787.

  • [2] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Selective Mixing on Lab-on-a-Disc using Laser Valve," 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술대회.

  • [3] Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-Chern Yoo,?"Comparison of Noise Levels of the Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor According to Curve Fitting Methods," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회.

  • [4] Moo-Jung Seo, Dayeseul Lim, Min-Seong Choi, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Liquid Metering Control on Lab-on-a-Disc using Laser Valve," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회.

  • [5] Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-Chern Yoo,?"Modified RANSAC Method for Accurate Pupil Capture Applicable to Starburst Algorithm," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회.

  • [6] Gi-won Koo, Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-Chern Yoo,?"Pupil Location Estimation Algorithm using Histogram for Eye Gaze Tracking," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회.

  • [7] Moo-Jung Seo, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Fluid Mixing Control on Lab-on-a-Disc using Coriolis Force," 한국미생물학회연합 국제학술대회.


  • [1] Jae Hoon Lee, Jae-Chern Yoo, and Tae Hee Han, "System-Level Design Framework for Insertion-Loss-Minimized Optical Network-on-Chip Router Architectures," JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 32, NO. 18, pp. 3161-3174.

  • [2] Dae Ho Jang, Won Hwi Na, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "A Miniaturized Fluorescence System via Total Internal Reflection, for Salmonella Detection by Isothermal Amplification," SENSOR LETTER, Vol. 12, pp. 1076-1079.

  • [3] Min-Seong Choi, Dae-Ho Jang, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "T-Junction Metering Method using Interplay of Centrifuagl Force on Lab-on-a-Disc," SENSOR LETTER, Vol. 12, pp. 1177-1180.

  • [4] Daeho Jang, Dayeseul Lim, Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "A novel algorithm based on the coefficient of determination of linear regression fitting to automatically find the optimum angle for miniaturized surface plasmon resonance measurement," Sensors and Actuators B 199,?pp. 488?492.

  • [5] Dayeseul Lim, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Laser heating module used in lysis disc for DNA extraction," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회, pp. 246-247.

  • [6] Geun-hyoung Chae, Won Hwi Na, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Comparison of Dynamic Ranges of the Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Signals Based on Fixed Angle Mode by Differently Decided Fixed Angles," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회.

  • [7] Geun-hyoung Chae, Won Hwi Na, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Comparison of Signals of the Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor by Different Reference Images at the Distilled Water," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회.

  • [8] Min-Seong Choi, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Development of laser diode valve for microfluidic flow control on chip," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회.

  • [9] Min-Seong Choi, Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Verificatin of detected pupil using multilayer perceptrons," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회.


  • [1] Wonhwi Na, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Laser-based Temperature Measurement of Rotating Disk using Thermocolor," Journal of Sensor Science and Technology, Vol 22, No. 1, pp. 49-53.

  • [2] Dae-Ho Jang, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Miniaturized Fluorometer Based on Total Internal Reflector and Condensing Mirror," Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, Vol. 17, No. 1,?pp. 81-85.

  • [3] Min-Seong Choi, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "LDL Cholesterol Testing Device using Serial Reflected Face-to-Face Mirror System," Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, Vol. 17, No. 4. pp. 1-4.

  • [4] Min-Seong Choi, Dayeseul Lim, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "LDL cholesterol assay system using serial reflected beam guidance spectroscopy," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회.

  • [5] Dayeseul Lim, Min-Seong Choi, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "New method for reducing coefficient of variation of serial reflected face-to-face mirror system," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회, pp. 495-496.

  • [6] Dayeseul Lim, Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "New method of curve fitting algorithm for surface plasom resonance sensor with fixed angle mode analysis," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회, pp. 250-251.

  • [7] Geun-hyoung Chae, Wonhwi Na, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Comparison of signal enhancing performance between surface plasmon resonance and electrochemical sensors using gold nano particle," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회.

  • [8] Geun-hyoung Chae, Dayeseul Lim, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "A scanning surface plasmon resonance sensor based on the filtering and curve fitting algorithm," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회.

  • [9] Geun-hyoung Chae, Dayeseul Lim, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Pupil Center Estimation Algorithm using Histogram Applicable Starburst Algorithm," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회.

  • [10] Min-seong Choi, Dae-ho Jang, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Novel metering method using pressure sensitivity adhesive membrane on lab on a disc," 15th International Symposium on Olfaction &amp; Electronic Nose.

  • [11] W.H. Na, D.H. Jang, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Real-time molecular diagnostic system using miniaturized fluorometer based on total internal reflector," 15th International Symposium on Olfaction &amp; Electronic Nose.


  • [1] Dayeseul Lim, Minyoung Kim, and Jae-Chern, "Disk based system for the staphylococcus aureus culture," 대한기계학회 바이오공학부문 춘계학술대회, pp. 30.

  • [2] Won-Hwi Na, Min-Seong Choi, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Non-contact temperature measuring method making use of the transparency change of the thermo-paint," 대한기계학회 바이오공학부문 춘계학술대회, pp. 31.

  • [3] Geun-Hyoung Chae, Min-Young Kim, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Lab-on-a-disc for microorganism identification," 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학술발표대회.

  • [4] Min-Seong Choi, Won-Hwi Na, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Metering system in Lab-on-a-chip using centrifugal force and capillary force interaction," 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학술발표대회.

  • [5] Won-Hwi Na, Min-Seong Choi, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Non-contact Temperature Measuring Method using the Transparency Change of the Thermo-paint for High Speed Rotating Lab-on-a-disk," 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학술발표대회.

  • [6] Min-seong Choi, Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Development of spectrometer system using serial reflection," 정보 및 제어 심포지엄, pp. 200-201.

  • [7] Dayeseul Lim, Minyoung Kim, and Jaechern Yoo, "Image preprocessing and ROI cropping methods for colony counter program," 정보 및 제어 심포지엄, pp. 181-182.

  • [8] Won-hwi Na, Min-seong Choi, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Non-contact temperature measuring method using the transparency change of the thermo-paint for high speed rotating disk," 정보 및 제어 심포지엄, pp. 202-203.

  • [9] Min-seong Choi, Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Metering system using centrifugal force and capillary force interaction," 대한기계학회 춘계학술대회.

  • [10] Min-seong Choi, Won-hwi Na, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Spectrometer using serial reflected lab on a chip detection system," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회.

  • [11] Dayeseul Lim, Minyoung Kim, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "μTas fluorometer for miniaturized system," 한국광학회 동계학술발표회, pp. 276-277.

  • [12] Dayeseul Lim, Geun-hyoung Chae, and Jae-chern Yoo, "Image Processing Algorithm for Fully Automated Plate Count Analyzing," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회, pp. 377-378.

  • [13] Minyoung Kim, Minseong Choi, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Optimization of Elution of Microorganism for Pathogen Detection," International Meeting of the Microbiological Society of Korea, pp. 213.

  • [14] Dayeseul LIM, Minyoung KIM, and Jae-Chern YOO, "Colony Counter Program using Automatic ROI Cropping Algorithm," International Symposium &amp; Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology, pp. 462.


  • [1] D.-H. Jang, and J.-C. Yoo, "Kretschman conffiguration surface plasmon resonance imaging using prism sheet," ELECTRONICS LETTERS, Vol. 47, No. 15.

  • [2] Dayeseul Lim, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Automatic Colony Counting Method using Image Histogram Analysis," 정보 및 제어 심포지움, pp. 385-386.

  • [3] Dayeseul Lim, Minyoung Kim, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Colony count program for TNTC microbial strain agar medium," 정보 및 제어 학술대회, pp. 362-363.

  • [4] Minyoung Kim, Dayeseul Lim, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Minoaturized Fluorometer for uTAS," 정보 및 제어 학술대회, pp. 239-240.

  • [5] Won Hwi Na, Dae Ho Jang, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Micro prismatic structure based surface plasmon resonance image device," 대한기계학회 마이크로/나노공학부문 춘계학술대회.

  • [6] Min Seong Choi, and Jae Jae-Chern, "Using Ferrofluid Valves for Microfluidic Flow Control," 대한기계학회 마이크로/나노공학부문 춘계학술대회.

  • [7] Dayeseul Lim, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "An Improved Colony Counter using Partial Contrast Stretching and RGB Analysis," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회, pp. 280-281.

  • [8] Won Hwi Na, Min Seong Choi, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Comparison of signal enhancement between surface plasmon resonance and electrochemical sensors through gold nano particle," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회.

  • [9] Min Seong Choi, Won Hwi Na, Dae Ho Jang, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Development of surface plasmon resonance based on biosensor using prism sheet," 한국광학회 하계학술발표회, pp. 141-142.

  • [10] Min Seong Choi, Won Hwi Na, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "For Microfluidics Flow Multi-Control using Ferrofluid Vent-Valve," 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술발표대회.

  • [11] Won-Hwi Na, Min-Seong Choi, and Jae-Chern Yoo, "Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging based on Prism Sheet," 한국바이오칩학회 추계학술발표대회, pp. 107.

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